Installation Instruction for Magento 2

Joovii Sendle shipping Magento 2 Integration BACKING UP Installing or upgrading this extension will make changes in your database, so it is best to have a backup of your database before proceeding. Manual Install – Create folder structure /app/code/Joovii/Sendleshipping/ – Download the .ZIP file from the marketplace – Extract the contents of the .ZIP file to the folder you just created Run install commands: php…

Installation Instruction for Magento 1

Backing up Installing or upgrading this extension will make changes in your database, so it is best to have a backup of your database before proceeding. Requirements min PHP 5.3.x Magento CE > Step-by-step guide Follow these steps to install the extension. Disable Compilation In the Magento admin panel, go to System >Tools > Compilation. In case Compiler Status is “Enabled”, click on the Disable button. In case the…