Startrack Account Configuration
Go To top menu -> settings -> accounts then you can see the option to add new account or any existing account.

Here you can see 4 options to configure account info(edit account), Packaging type, label format and some other settings.
Edit Account : In edit account section you can add/edit eparcel account id, api key and password. This setting actually helps the app to communicate with your eparcel account to get real time shipping quote or book any shipment and create order/pickup manifest.

Packaging Type : Here you can set the packaging type for the parcel. This settings will be used at the time of shipment booking.

Label Format : Here you can set label format . This settings will be used to create label of a shipment.

Settings: Here you can set some default setting that will load at the order quotation or booking page.
Domestic Settings : This settings will be applied by default to all domestic orders using this carrier. Each setting can be overridden on an order.