This app provides the ultimate connectivity between Shopify and Auspost. By integrating Auspost with your Shopify store, you get in cart shipping quotes, order confirmation, booking shipment, download shipping labels and easy tracking updates.

The app is available here:

To use this app you need to sign up for an account with Auspost . Shipping costs will be charged by Auspost and will vary based on the size/weight, source/destination of the packages sent, and your account plan.

This could be either My Post Business, eParcel or Startrack.

Mypost Features

  1. Provide live Auspost shipping rates to the customers at checkout.
  2. This app works for merchants in Australia.
  3. Merchants can add/edit/delete MyPost accounts .
  4. Merchants can set payment preference, label format, and some other domestic and international booking data.
  5. Merchants can add an api partner token.
  6. This app works for International orders also.
  7. Create Auspost  shipments without leaving Shopify, synchronizing customer order data directly to the Auspost  booking. 
  8. The App provides Auspost  labels for download and printing and applies all tracking details on the order.
  9. Admin can print shipping labels.
  10. Weight based and volumetric quoting and booking.
  11. Upload of dimensions attributes for products (individually or bulk via csv)
  12. Free support from Joovii.

eParcel Feature

  1. Provide live Auspost shipping rates to the customers at checkout.
  2. This app works for merchants in Australia.
  3. Merchants can add/edit eParcel accounts .
  4. Merchants can set  label format and domestic and international default  booking parameters  data.
  5. Merchants can add an api key/password and account number to connect to the eparcel account.
  6. This app works for International orders also.
  7. Create Auspost  shipments without leaving Shopify, synchronizing customer order data directly to the Auspost  booking. 
  8. The App provides Auspost  labels for download and printing and applies all tracking details on the order.
  9. Admin can print shipping labels.
  10. Weight based and volumetric quoting and booking.
  11. Upload of dimensions attributes for products (individually or bulk via csv)
  12. Merchants can review any quotation and it’s data in details before confirming the booking.
  13. Merchants can create pickup with booked shipment and also can download order summery or manifest.
  14. Merchants can update or delete any shipment before adding to the pickup or order summery or manifest.
  15. Merchants can also create return shipment and download label for any orders.
  16. Free support from Joovii.
Key Features
  1. Create Auspost  shipments without leaving Shopify, synchronizing customer order data directly to the Auspost  booking. 
  2. The App provides Auspost  labels for download and printing and applies all tracking details on the order.
  3. Merchants can review any quotation and it’s data in details before confirming the booking.
  4. Merchants can create pickup with booked shipment and also can download order summery or manifest.
  5. Merchants can update or delete any shipment before adding to the pickup or order summery or manifest.
  6. Merchants can also create return shipment and download label for any orders.
  7. Provide live Auspost shipping rates to the customers at checkout. 

Startrack Feature

  1. Provide live Auspost shipping rates to the customers at checkout.
  2. This app works for merchants in Australia.
  3. Merchants can add/edit eParcel accounts .
  4. Merchants can set  label format and domestic and international default  booking parameters  data.
  5. Merchants can add an api key/password and account number to connect to the eparcel account.
  6. This app works for International orders also.
  7. Create Auspost  shipments without leaving Shopify, synchronizing customer order data directly to the Auspost  booking. 
  8. The App provides Auspost  labels for download and printing and applies all tracking details on the order.
  9. Admin can print shipping labels.
  10. Weight based and volumetric quoting and booking.
  11. Upload of dimensions attributes for products (individually or bulk via csv)
  12. Merchants can review any quotation and it’s data in details before confirming the booking.
  13. Merchants can create pickup with booked shipment and also can download order summery or manifest.
  14. Merchants can update or delete any shipment before adding to the pickup or order summery or manifest.
  15. Merchants can also create return shipment and download label for any orders.
  16. Free support from Joovii.
Key Features
  1. Create Auspost  shipments without leaving Shopify, synchronizing customer order data directly to the Auspost  booking. 
  2. The App provides Auspost  labels for download and printing and applies all tracking details on the order.
  3. Merchants can review any quotation and it’s data in details before confirming the booking.
  4. Merchants can create pickup with booked shipment and also can download order summery or manifest.
  5. Merchants can update or delete any shipment before adding to the pickup or order summery or manifest.
  6. Merchants can also create return shipment and download label for any orders.
  7. Provide live Auspost shipping rates to the customers at checkout.