Bulk Booking Default Rate Selection
The following information describes how to set preferred shipping methods and carriers when making bulk bookings. This could be setting a preferred shipping option or preferred carrier and shipping option if you have more than one carrier enabled in the app. Most common setting is the preference to bulk book with the carrier/option selected by the customer in checkout. For merchants offering flat rate or free shipping in the checkout these preferences can be set in the app. The preferences form the basis of the initial quotes in the bulk booking preview, however these can be changed in the preview page (see below) before making the bulk booking.

Setting Preferences:
In the Top Menu of the app, under Settings, you will find Bulkbooking Settings as per the following screenshot, on this page you can see all the carriers you have available in the app, and should select a preferred carrier for default rate selection. From here you will then go on to set the preferred shipping option within that carrier.

Default Shipping Options:
Default rate selection for Sendle/eParcel/Startrack: In the Top Menu -> Settings- > Account page you will find the settings icon of those carriers.

Once on the Settings page you can select whether the f default rate selection should be “customer selected shipping rate at checkout” or one of the shipping services of that carrier. See following screenshot.

You if choose “Select as the customer chose in the checkout” then the selected rate will be the rate selected by the customer at checkout . And if choose to Select from shipping services of your carrier, then the selected rate will be determined by the manage service rate page. There is a manage service icon for each carrier of Sendle/eParcel/Startrack.

In the manage service page you can see a column “Default for Bulkbooking” to select rate from the available service like the following screenshot.

Default rate selection for Mypost : In mypost the default rate selection is coming from the manage packages and in the manage packages you can see a column for Bulkbooking. And here you can see a row for “Custom Packaging (Dynamic Like Checkout)” and it’s corresponding service. You can select this if you want to select default rate like the customer chose in the checkout.