Add Extra Carrier

Integrating Auspost as an extra carrier within your Sendle shipping setup on your Shopify store is a smart move to expand your shipping capabilities and offer your customers more choice. By adding Auspost, you not only diversify your delivery options but also provide an alternative that can cater to different delivery needs and preferences.

Adding Auspost in Sendle on shopify is a straightforward process—navigating to settings, completing the payment, and configuring your Mypost account with essential details like your API partner token—ensures that setup is seamless. This extra category enhances operational flexibility by allowing you to manage multiple carriers (such as Startrack and eParcel) in one place, giving you the freedom to enable or disable accounts as market conditions or customer demands change.

Ultimately, the addition of Auspost helps optimise your shipping strategy, potentially improving delivery speed and reliability while bolstering customer satisfaction and trust in your brand.

Add Auspost as extra carrier go to settings > Add Auspost. Then complete the payment process to add Auspost in Sendle Shipping.

Proceed with the payment method to add Auspost in sendle.

After payment Auspost will add as a extra carrier. Now Configure Your Mypost Account.

Complete the Mypost Business Account details like Name of the account, API partner token & enable status to active Mypost.

After adding details Merchant can edit/update account details, Settings, Packages, Payment settings & Label format.

Merchant can add other accounts like Startrack & EParcel. like the screenshot :

After adding all the details all accounts will be activated like the screenshot, Merchant can disable each account by clicking on “disable this account”

To remove Auspost from Sendle account click on “Click here to Remove Auspost” & follow the process.